Leading the way to independence

Not content with achieving their Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, students William and Tom are now helping their peers to achieve the coveted award.

Hereford student William and Heather with staff Katya

Not content with achieving their Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, students William and Tom are now helping their peers to achieve the coveted award.

The pair are being supported by National Star to train as DofE young leaders, working alongside staff in planning orienteering and volunteering activities as well as helping with sport and teambuilding sessions.

Tom and William have been using their organisational skills to work with National Star’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Leader Richard Brand. They lead small groups of students on orienteering trips to a rendezvous point, helping them with their map reading and compass skills.

William smiling and Tom guiding student Josh on DoE

Recently the young leaders, who both have learning disabilities, have also led boccia hoop sports sessions, creatively embedded navigational skills by playing the battleships game with DofE participants and led litter–picking volunteering mornings in Hereford city centre.

‘I really enjoy encouraging and motivating other students when they are doing well with their map reading and compass skills. I am also there for them if they are struggling and talk to them to help them keep going. Being a young DofE leader has helped me to care and listen to the needs of others,’ said Tom, who hopes to become a lunchtime supervisor at his former primary school when he leaves college.

Young leader William said: ‘Being a young DofE leader is really fun. It’s helped me to be more organised and I like helping.’

National Star staff member Richard Brand was recently publicly recognised for his incredible 30 years of dedication to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards.

Richard’s passion for guiding students through expeditions and commitment to improving their confidence has helped scores of learners at National Star, including Tom and William, over the years. Over 100 learners have achieved their bronze, silver and gold awards since 2007.

Richard has helped provide once–in–a–lifetime opportunities taking students on trips to Buckingham Palace and enabling them to achieve things they never thought was possible.

Former student Rich said: ‘Visiting to see Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh and receiving my Gold Award, that day has stayed with me forever.’