Lucy’s story
National Star empowered Lucy, who has cerebral palsy and autism, to gain independence and manage her anxiety, transforming her life and enabling a future of self-sufficiency. Lucy's parents David and Lesley share her story.
When Lucy started at National Star, she could not manage any busy environment – going to a supermarket or a coffee shop was too distressing. Her transition to secondary school was traumatic with Lucy often refusing to even go into the building.
Her parents David and Lesley never imagined that Lucy, who has cerebral palsy and autism, would ever leave home. National Star has transformed Lucy’s life. She has gone from needing one-to-one support to going to classes on her own.
She moved from Lake House, a residence designed for students who prefer quiet spaces and always need support, into one of the on-campus independence flats. She decided for herself that she didn’t want to return home, but to live independently.
Since leaving National Star in July 2024, Lucy has settled into specialist supported living in her home county of Devon. She can manage her own medical care, do her own shopping, meet her mum for coffee and spend more time in the community. Lucy even has her own YouTube channel.
Without National Star…
“Lucy would not have dreamed of leaving home and becoming independent.”
– David and Lesley, Lucy’s parents
Whilst Lucy was at National Star, with the support of her care team, including the emotional wellbeing services, she developed strategies to manage her anxiety. This has enabled her to be more in control of her emotions and manage new and busy environments.
‘It has been the biggest change,’ say David and Lesley. ‘She is now able to recognise when she is getting anxious and angry and regulate her behaviour. She can express her concerns and take positive action before a situation becomes too much for her.’
‘National Star has made Lucy. She has realised that she can be independent and is doing so much more for herself. We are so incredibly proud of her and what she has achieved at National Star.’
This Christmas Lucy will be spending time with her mum, dad and brother. They will be focussing on having lots of fun and enjoying family time together.
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