Students engage in election
National Star’s Student Union encouraged other students at the general election to share their voice.
National Star’s Student Union encouraged other students at the general election to share their voice.
The general election spiked interest among National Star students. The Student Union gathered and discussed the importance of everyone exercising their democratic right and casting a vote.
With access on site to a polling station, they created a video to educate and encourage others to register to vote.
‘National Star is passionate about enabling young people with disabilities to become active citizens and that includes using their democratic freedom to choose who represents them in government,’ said Andrew Evans, Learning Programmes Co-ordinator.
‘Young people and their families must fight for equality in education and to access the care and support which will enable them to lead fulfilling lives. It is important for parliamentary candidates to understand these challenges and to explain to the young people what their parties plan to do to address the issues in adult social care and in specialist education.’
As part of this awareness campaign students, supported by staff, ran workshops on how to register to vote, practised the physical art of voting and had an opportunity to ask the parliamentary candidates questions.