Learn with us in Hereford

We offer an innovative and creative learning environment for day students with physical or learning disabilities.

Discover National Star in Hereford

National Star in Hereford is a popular college for day students with physical or learning disabilities aged 16 years and over. Students travel from Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Gloucestershire and Wales to learn with us.

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First class, modern facilities

Based at the Eveson Centre on Ledbury Road, Hereford students can enjoy:

  • Light and airy teaching spaces
  • Two dedicated sensory rooms, fitted with specialist sensory equipment
  • A specialist therapy room
  • Dedicated art room
  • Technology to support learning including interactive whiteboards and a supply of modern laptops
  • An inviting communal area, perfect for relaxing and socialising with friends
  • A garden where students can relax, get close to nature and grow their own vegetables

Learning with us

Most students learn with us for two years. We get to know their future plans so that we can ensure they learn what they need to make the most of life after college.

We create a flexible, creative and bespoke learning programme for each student.

Programmes can include:

  • Numeracy and literacy
  • Life skills including cooking, travel training and money management
  • Social enterprise to develop problem-solving and teamwork
  • Sport
  • Singing
  • Art activities including ceramics

We encourage students to become more self-aware. They grow in confidence to express their thoughts and opinions, preparing for when they leave.

Each student has a personal tutor and keyworker. The staff team review learning targets and track progress towards a student’s future plans. Pastoral and emotional support is available to all students so they feel happy and confident at college.

The needs of students with profound and multiple learning disabilities are met through a range of sensory environments. These include a sensory garden, sensory room and sensory activities such as sensory story sessions and ceramics.

Subject to funding, we can integrate specialist therapies into a student’s timetable. These can include:

  • Speech and language therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Emotional health and wellbeing
  • Assistive technology

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Read previous students' journeys at National Star

Forest school

Our team at Hereford are now running a fully-accredited Forest School, giving students the chance to learn outside the classroom in an outdoor learning setting.

Read more about out outdoor learning offering

Community involvement

We encourage students to get involved in college and community life. They do this through volunteering and work related learning. This allows them to put their new skills into practice in different settings.  We encourage every student to work towards a formal qualification. Options include personal progress and employability skills at different levels.

Life after college

We support students to plan for leaving college. Former National Star students in Hereford are now enjoying active social lives and living life to the full. Some are volunteering and others have jobs and are building their careers.

Find us

The Eveson Centre, 1 Ledbury Road, Hereford, HR1 2SX

Telephone: 01432 808740

To arrange a visit contact Jonathan Haile on 07866 118001.

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